Plastic free Tamilnadu

Plastic free Tamilnadu

From January 1, 2019, single-use and non-biodegradable plastics will be banned across the state of Tamil Nadu. In June of this year, the government announced its decision to impose a ban on single-use and non-biodegradable plastic starting January 1, 2019 coincided with Wold Environment Day.

The ban on manufacture, sale, storage and usage of items such as plastic paper cups, water sachets, straws and carry bags (irrespective of their micron size) would come into effect from January 1, 2019. The ban is brought under the Environment Protection Act, 1986.

Meanwhile, Madras HC dismissed a petition filed by Tamil Nadu and Puducherry Plastic Manufacturers Association that called for quashing of the ban. They had also sought to exempt pre-manufactured biscuit and chips packets from the ban.

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