March 15: Teenagers plan worldwide strike to highlight climate crisis

A massive, international, youth-led mobilization will demand action on the climate crisis.

Impatient with the glacial pace of climate action, Tens of thousands young people from more than 80 countries and territories plan to skip school this Friday (March 15) to urge adults to treat climate change as a crisis, and for governments to take action now. Friday’s protest, however, is the first global one, with students around the world expected to take part.

The global youth movement was kick-started last year by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, who had refused to go to school in order to pressure her government to take more drastic climate action. Her move has inspired many other young people to do the same.

Greta Ernman Thunberg is a Swedish political activist working to stop global warming and climate change. In August 2018, she became a prominent figure for starting the first school strike for climate outside the Swedish parliament building.

In the last six months, students in several countries including Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, Uganda, Thailand, have skipped a day of school to demand bold action on climate change.

Young people point to several reasons for their anger: The raft of recent scientific reports highlighting the perils of unabated global warming for future generations, and the inaction when it comes to implementing available climate solutions.



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