Gurdwara Bangla Sahib bans use of all types of plastic

Joining the fight against plastic waste, the biggest heritage Sikh shrine, Bangla Sahib Gurudwara situated in the heart of national capital Delhi,  has banned use of all types of plastic items within the shrine complex. The decision has been taken as part of programmes to commemorate 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev.

It has banned disposable plates, glasses, spoons, thermocol cups and plates etc., and switched to steel bowls for serving clean drinking water and steel plates for serving langar. On average, around 5,000 polythene bags, and thermocol cups and plates are used every day to distribute prasad, fruits and other items to devotees, he added.

Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) has taken several other eco friendly initiatives aiming at achieving the status of the cleanest place in the Delhi. They set up a recycling plant capable of handling two tonnes of flower and Langar waste, and dry leaves on a daily basis to make organic manure and vermicompost from the waste materials.

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