Birds have fundamental rights, can’t be kept in cages: Delhi High Court

Birds have a “fundamental right to fly” and cannot be caged, the Delhi high court has said, issuing notice to an alleged bird trader and holding the trade as a “violation of the rights of birds”. A notice was also issued to the Delhi Police.

“Birds have fundamental rights, including the right to live with dignity and they cannot be subjected to cruelty by anyone…They deserve sympathy,” said Justice Manmohan Singh.

Justice Singh’s ruling — which came on a plea by People for Animals (PFA) — overturned a trial court order which allowed the release of birds back to Md Mohazzim from whom they were rescued. The alleged bird trader faces criminal prosecution under the Prevention of Cruelty Act.

Justice Singh expressed anguish that instead of being allowed to fly free, birds were “exported illegally to foreign countries without proper food, water or medical aid”.





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